Make art and friends logo


Before becoming a graphic designer, I delivered art workshops to adults and children in my hometown. At the time I needed to attract the right kind of people to these sessions, so strong branding and a logo was key. That’s when I started to think about the real purpose of my workshops and who my target audience needed to be. Loneliness was and still is a huge issue, especially for the elderly but also for children and young people. Having a social purpose is also something that is really important to me. So I decided to take a positive angle on loneliness: my workshops would be about making connections with people over a shared interest. And this is where the name “Make Art and Friends” came from.

When it came to designing the logo, I wanted it to convey my purpose while also telling people what I was about. I wanted people to think, “this is a friendly, approachable space where I can learn something genuinely useful whilst getting to know other people”. That’s when I realised that using my workshop name would be the best approach, because it described so well what the workshops were and their objective.

In terms of the lettering, I wanted something classic and modern that gave a sense of authority and knowledge about the subject matter (art) whilst also being accessible. I liked the ‘Keep Calm and Carry on” motif which was around a lot at the time and I thought the wartime adage resonated a lot with my target audience: isolated older people as well as young people who were taking the saying on and adding new angles to it. Hence the sans serif text in the box fitted with this idea and the hand drawing vector. With my choice of colouring, red is a widely used and impactful colour in logo design. However I also liked the passion it represented because I wanted to share my passion for making art. It also conveys a certain confidence, which I wanted my audience to feel in my ability to share my knowledge about making art.

The logo adapted well to being used in social media posts as well as posters advertising the workshops and attracted just the kind of people I was hoping to bring together. Even though I don’t deliver the art workshops anymore, I still look back at this logo with pride and feel like it’s a piece of work that really stands the test of time. What do you think? Feel free to send me your thoughts and comments!

The ‘Make Art and Friends’ workshop logo on a promotional poster for print and social media.
The logo on an art school promotional poster for print and social media.
The logo incorporated into a social media profile banner.

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